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Microwave Events



Events: 1

Roundtables are events organised to get together groups of Radio Amateurs interested in frequencies 1GHz and upwards.

There is usually a lecture program, test facilities and bring and buy (swap meet).

One of the main attractions is the ability to meet others and discuss projects, propagation, contests, etc. and therefore is ideal for both those with experience and beginners alike.

Show Events

Date Title Venue Town Type
18.04.2010 - 18.04.2010 RAL Roundtable 2010 Rutherford Appleton Laboratories Didcot Roundtable

Antenna Test

Antenna Test

Events: 1

Antenna Test sessions usually take place out of doors and in a large enough space to obtain decent separation between the source and the antenna under test. Equipment for different bands varies by event.


Show Events

Date Title Venue Town Type
17.04.2010 - 17.04.2010 Antenna Test G4NNS - Antenna Test



Events: 1

Food, drink, conversation! What more could you need the night before a Roundtable?

Show Events

Date Title Venue Town Type
17.04.2010 - 17.04.2010 RAL Dinner Hatchet Inn Andover Dinner


In order to sign up to attend any events you need to create an account(Register) and login
